Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was not just any little girl, she was a princess and she had a lot of minions. For times sake I will refer to her minions as minion 1, minions 2 and so on. Because they are minions they have no personality and can blend into the background for all I care! One day prince charming comes along and he gets a two page description and the princess and him live happily ever after.
The minions I was referring to were the minor characters of the story. Now there is a common misconception that if a character is minor than it does not need a character profile. But even if you are the third wheel on a date and kind of unimportant you are still you! So minor characters may seem trial but they are still characters and as so they have personalities. Sometimes they can be the comic relief or the know-it-all or the one sane person in a gooey romance.
The take home advice for this is treat your minor characters with as much care as the major ones. If you do this then readers will have a hard time figuring out the love interest. Oh, suspense!
Now, let me just define what a minor character is, before you start writing profiles for the milkman who only says "hello" and "goodbye". Minor characters are characters that appear in the story several times and speak more than a total of 100 words or have a close relationship with one of the protagonists.
So I think this might be the last installment on the character bandwagon, the only thing left would be character description (appearance and what not), I like to do that after the I write the plot so I don't have to keep going back and forth adding important props. I think everyone knows how to describe their characters.
So next up will be the plot and the actual story. I'm planning on dropping everything but homework and writing this story for NaNoWriMo. I'm, shooting for a short story of 100 pages, 5 pages a day will leave me room if I need to extend it. I know it's weird to hear 100 pages referred to as short but most of my other stories are looking like they'll be 200 pages as the very least.
Click here for Alfred, Rosie and the Arab.

Now, let me just define what a minor character is, before you start writing profiles for the milkman who only says "hello" and "goodbye". Minor characters are characters that appear in the story several times and speak more than a total of 100 words or have a close relationship with one of the protagonists.

Click here for Alfred, Rosie and the Arab.